Dependency Injection – .NET CORE PART II


Resume of part I

Dependency injection pattern (DI) is a technique to achieve: Inversion of Control (IoC).
For us: Dependency Injection container = Inversion of control Container.

DI will help us to simplify the management of all our dependencies.
Services are registered in the net core container specifically in the Startup class.
The container is responsible for creating and disposing of all service instances or in other words, it’s responsible for the life-time of all services registering in.

Benefits of dependency injection

We have two key components:

  1. IServiceCollection: our container – We need to register the services here.
    All services need to be registering in the IServiceCollection (container)
  2. IServiceProvider: we used this component to retrieve a requested service in runtime.

Ok enough theory for us 😉 Let’s code!

We have an core project empty and we will two new services:

  1. StudentService
  2. SchoolService
  3. BestTeacherService: We only have one teacher –> Singleton

Creating Services

First, we will create interfaces for concrete services. In this case, we will have:

  • IStudentService (interface) –> StudentService (concrete)
  • ISchoolService (interface) –> SchoolService (concrete)
  • IBestTeacher (interface) –> BestTeacherService (concrete)

Generating interfaces:

Then, we need to generate concrete classes which implement their interfaces:

Important data: you need to put the focus in the IDENTIFIER. All the classes have un GUID as UNIQUE IDENTIFIER. This is initialized when each class is instantiated.
This will be important when we will test our system.
Perfect, we created all services and interfaces 😉

Registering services

We need to go to the startup.cs and register these services in the container. In this case, we will use a scoped lifetime for the school and student services because we want to get a new instance per request. However, the BestTeacherService will be a singleton.

Injecting services in controllers

Finally, we need to create two API controllers:

  • StudentController: this need to interact with StudentService
  • SchoolController: this need to interact with SchoolService and bestTeacherService.
Injecting ISchoolService and IBestTeacherService
Injecting IStudentService

We have to put the focus on the methods which return the Identifier because these are UNIQUES depending on the lifetime of the services.
In other words:

  • IStudentService & ISchoolService: are SCOPE Services. In each request must return a different identifier because the framework will create a new instance per request.
  • IBestTeacherService: is SINGLETON. It will always return the same instance.

Testing School controller

api/student [GET] – (Get all)

api/student/identifier [GET] – First time

api/student/identifier [GET] – Second time

(*) You can see that the requests return different GUID’s because of the IStudentService is a SCOPE Service and the container create a new instance per request.

api/school/identifier [GET] – First time

api/school/identifier [GET] – Second time

(*) ISchoolService has a SCOPE timelife, for this reason, the framework create a new instance, with different ID, per request.

/school/ bestteacher [GET] – first time

/school/bestteacher[GET] – second time

Magic in the case of BestTeacher, the controller always returns the same instance with the same ID because of the IBestTeacherService was registered as SINGLETON.

Ok perfect, it was enough for today 😀
In the next post of dependency injection, we will enjoy with other DI features 😉

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Big hug!